Links & Resources

Background and resources for aspiring cinema designers, which have helped us a lot.


CEDIA – Immersive Audio Design Recommended Practice (RP22)

The brand-new guidelines for immersive audio in entertainment spaces, free for everyone to download.

RP22 is just the start. Future guides will cover video (RP23), system verification and calibration, and product engineering data or ‘performance facts’.

Dr Floyd Toole – Sound Reproduction

The Godfather of modern home cinema sound – required reading for anyone designing these spaces.

Todd Welti on subwoofer optimisation

Master Handbook of Acoustics (7th ed)

Very comprehensive, fairly heavy going, a useful reference to have around. Pick up a used 6th edition if the price puts you off 🙂

Trinnov Loudspeaker Position Guide

New for Episode 5 – Trinnov Waveforming overview and Subwoofer placement guidelines

An AI-generated bullshit article. You can use ChatGPT and other AI tools to generate all sorts of bullshit, this is an example.

Watching and listening:

Erin’s Audio Corner (Youtube) – an excellent low-BS guide to better sound. This one has a guest appearance from Dr Toole.

The Integrated Home Podcast – Walt Zerbe from CEDIA gives the official overview of RP22

Sketchup YouTube – this is how Owen learned to Sketchup

Owen and Tom’s videos:

Cinemaworks YouTube – Owen

Dellicompagni YouTube – Tom


Room EQ Wizard – powerful software for measuring audio performance in rooms, by John Mulcahy.

SPL calculator (Excel)

3D Connexion website – SpaceMouse and CADmouse are useful tools for aspiring 3D Designers

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